If your student will be absent or a late arrival, please call the office, (503) 353-5440 or email lewellingelementary@nclack.k12.or.us to let us know, preferably before the start of school. We will relay the information to the classroom teachers.
If your child is ill, please remember that they need to be fever free and vomit/diarrhea free for 24 hours before returning to school.
Please supply us with as many phone numbers as possible for emergency situations at school or involving your child. Please note that only people on your emergency list may pick up your child from school. You can use ParentVUE to update this information.
If you need to pick up your student early from school, please call us when you are one your way. We will call your child to the office and have them waiting. Come to the front door, and push the green button to call the office. We will walk your child out to you.
Please notify the office to update the information we have on your child(ren) when there are any changes in phone numbers, address, email, etc.
Please notify the office by 1:00pm if your child will be changing plans for going home.
A Medication Assistance form is required for all medications that are necessary for your child while at school. This includes anything that is over-the-counter (i.e. cough drops, cough medicine or ibuprofen/Tylenol). Please ask for this form in the office or you can get it here.